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Upcoming Exhibitions

Mar, 2024

Open Call

Berlin 15 March 2024-15 March 2025
The multimedia exhibition by Cemre Atay, a Turkish-Kurdish, non-binary artist who is migrating to Berlin from November 24 to 30 at Zemin Berlin, presents her works from an autobiographical perspective. She wants to reflect on gender roles and the power structures of patriarchy. Berlin is still extremely affected by misogyny, especially trans*/queer migrant women. In the heart of Kreuzberg we want to talk about gender oppressions and their contemporary experiences/representations so that resonance can be found in the experiences of many other migrants in the city. Reflecting intersectionally on aspects of gender norms in social life (sometimes in subtle glimpses of everyday life, sometimes in immediate symbolism) in this exhibition means bringing to light the cause of migration from the global South to Berlin - and thus questioning the specific contours of the city's power dynamics and its various migrant communities in terms of gender.
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Aug, 2024


Berlin 1 August 2024-30 September 2024
„Surviving presence“ is the debut event series of the artistic platform-project, which goes by the same name. It is thought of as a collective investigation of the relationship of art and surviving, healing and activism through dynamic formats based on workshops, performance, talks and film-screenings.
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Oct, 2024

For Real

Berlin 4 October 2024-11 November 2024
In the exhibition "For Real", Amnon David Ar addreses to the contemporary human experience, the various emotional and intellectual aspects to which it is unique to our time.
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Nov, 2024

Troubling Time/s

Berlin 15 November 2024-29 December 2024
Drawing inspiration from Karen Barad’s discourse on 'Troubling Time/s and Ecologies of Nothingness,' this artistic proposal aspires to direct its focus towards the profound reconceptualization of temporality.
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Mar, 2025

Unbinding Histories

Berlin 1 March 2025-30 March 2025
In 2022, a group of artists from different parts of the world gathered in Arles for a residency program led by renowned photographer Antoine d'Agata.
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Sep, 2025

Ex Machina

Berlin 11 September 2025-30 October 2025
Francesco Petrucelli critiques traditional human identity rooted in humanistic culture and challenges the notion of humans as central and superior in the universe. With his works, Petrucelli explores the portrayal of the body as a symbol of human significance, influenced by religious depictions. His interventions destruct classical representations of the face and body, highlighting that consciousness is just a fragment of identity.
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We are an innovative gallery, which focuses on the principles of equality and accessibility


Urbanstraße 3, 10961 Berlin, Germany

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